10/12/99AARGH! I just discovered that Alice's Garden had a script error! Finally found out what the problem was and have fixed it (I hope).
I've also added a Mailing List and a form to tell a friend about this site, and I found some nice Halloween links to put into The Mall.
Whew! I just completed transplanting the entire garden to this site. You can find me relaxing under The Shade Tree or maybe chatting in The Parlour.
I hope you like the new Alice's Garden. I've changed the background and colors, redesigned the pages to make it easier for you to find the information you need, pruned the dead links, planted new links, and added a chat room and discussion board.
After I've rested a while, I will begin searching for WebRings to join so other parents can find Alice's Garden more easily. And I will continually be looking for bargains to place in The Mall for you. Oh, and I need to take a look at the Guestbook and see if it needs tending. A gardener's work is never done! |