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The Official Phenomenal Women Of The Web Seal
Member since 3/25/99
Phenomenal Women Of The Web

Come in, sit down, relax, converse.
My parlour doesn't always look like this,
sometimes its even worse!
Support and information for parents of children with depression
I believe in Jesus Christ

SafeSurf Rated

Everything I could dig up about
adolescent depression
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Mad Hatter's Tea Party!
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for parents of kids with depression
Read Alice's Story
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and where you'll find 
new stuff I'm working on.  
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on depression and other NBDs
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since Aug. 1, 1998

The Parlour

I've searched the web looking for a place where parents of children with depression and other neurobiological disorders can meet and chat with each other. While I've found a lot of good chat rooms and discussion boards for people with depression, I haven't found one I liked for those of us who live with a child with depression. So, I created one!

To enter the chat room, just scroll down, enter your nickname and click "OK, Connect". No other information is required and you do not need a password. If you are having trouble entering the chat room, CLICK HERE for help.

This chat room is always open for your convenience, but it is not always moderated. Please remember to respect others in this chat area, but in the event that a trouble maker enters the room simply highlight that persons name and hit the ignore button, messages from that person should no longer appear.

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No one here? Then PAGE ME and I will come join you if I am on-line. Or click on the "Mad Hatter's Tea Party!" and post a message on our discussion board.

Click here to join the discussion 
in the Mad Hatter's Tea Party!

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Alicesmom is

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